Hello, thank you for taking some time to read through bingqiu's caard. This is the slave speaking. @catshizunlovesu and @bingpuplovesyou are fan accounts ran by @chonky_kantang (slave).
Tweets & replies are all manual and there is no fixed schedule for updates.

Hello, this is the slave speaking. The cat and dog wanted me to state some stuff for their disciples/shidi and shimei. Please look through so that everyone can have a better experience on twitter together.
✧ These accounts are based off the novel; Scum Villian's Self-Saving System (人渣反派自救系统, Rén zhā fǎnpài zìjiù xìtǒng).
✧ This account is not meant for roleplay. It was created to bring something fluffy to your timeline.
✧ Storyline for both of them may not be the exact copy from the novel, you can see it as an AU I guess?
✧ Floofs were made for cheering people up in a lighthearted way. They may randomly interact with you to try to cheer you up or give comments.
✧ Admin is (21++) but please keep floof accounts PG.
✧ This account is kept to PG-13 for the safety of the minors. Cursed content is usually at the admin's account.
✧ Do not ask floof accounts to promote anything.
✧ Fanart is always welcomed, remember to @ the floofs, not tag them.
✧ If you want responses, the floofs will usually miss out QRTs.
✧ If you followed the floofs, they might not always follow back, due to various reasons. Please do not spam the accounts to ask for followbacks.
✧ Blocking/muting may occur if the floofs are uncomfortable with your content. Similarly, if you are uncomfortable with the floofs content or interaction, please communicate.
✧ You are free to interact with the floofs except direct message role-playing.
✧ If the floofs did/said anything that has offended you, please let me (the slave) know!! It is never their intention to hurt anyone.
✧ Please do not be rude to the floofs, they will get hurt.
((Overall, shizun said that everyone has been very kind and nice so far. Please keep doing what you are doing and thank you for reading!!))
Here is the backstory of bingpup & shizun so that you can understand what is happening during events/interactions etc. Random notes will be added along the way to build up this AU of the bingqiu floofs.
Shennyan: A very pampered house cat that got transmigrated into the body of Shen Qing Mew after eating an expired can of tuna.
Binghe-pup: Binghe was abandoned as a wittle puppy, thrown into the river in winter. He was picked up by some humans and send to the pound. The slave saw him and brought him back to give him a house.
If you are on my twitter list [QingJing Peak] You will have access to the google drive where I will upload any freebies for you to manufacture for personal use. Please go to the tweet link to request to be added in, remember to share your fav part of the novel!!
If you want to support this slave, feel free to follow my main/or buy us a cuppa coffee :) feel free to gift items to shizun/bingpup/both and I'll doodle them with it. If you have any questions for the floofs, please drop them a question on curious cat, do let them know who you are asking though...or they will get confused and refuse to answer.